The Maybe Path

In "List and Path" we have experienced how to construct path expressions that are made up of list structures. We have also seen the Maybe type that signals the (un-) availability of a value.

Today, we will see that the exact same kind of path expressions can arise when multiple Maybe types are in play.

The domain model

Coming back to our banking domain model, we now assume that the bank may have a star client (think "Warren Buffet"). He may have a favorite, best performing portfolio: his star portfolio with the most heeded position being - you guessed it - the optional star position.

Stars in a simplified banking domain

Stars in a simplified banking domain

Modeled with record syntax, the domain is easily expressed as below. Note the similarity to the domain in "List and Path". We only replace list of types with Maybe and adapt the names.

The core domain data structures
data Bank       = Bank      { star   :: Maybe Client     }
data Client     = Client    { star   :: Maybe Portfolio  }
data Portfolio  = Portfolio { star   :: Maybe Position   }
data Position   = Position  { soMany :: Int, ticker :: Ticker }
A Position always has a ticker, even though that makes our life a little harder later. We want to keep it a bit "realistic".

Now let’s create an example bank with all optional values being available.

The bank with all stars
starBank = Bank {
    star = Just Client {
        star = Just Portfolio {
            star = Just Position { soMany = 8, ticker = CANO }

But there may be other banks, where either no star client is known or he doesn’t have a preferred portfolio or there is no special position worth considering.

Poor banks (hypothetical)
noStarBank      = Bank { star = Nothing }
noPortfolioBank = Bank { star = Just Client { star = Nothing } }

We may be foolish enough to think that we can make money by just investing in the star client’s favorite ticker. To make that happen, we first have to find it.

First cut

To find the star ticker, we have to find the star position (if any) of the star portfolio (if any) of the star client (if any).

Let’s make a starTicker function for that purpose that takes a bank and if there is a star ticker, return just that and nothing otherwise. In short, the type is

starTicker :: Bank -> Maybe Ticker

There are a number of straightforward ways of implementing this (case discrimination, case expression, nested if, maybe function), all of which lead to an intricate solution similar to the one below.

Works but is difficult to read
starTicker bank = starPortfolio where
    starPortfolio Nothing = Nothing
    starPortfolio (Just client) = starPosition where
        starPosition Nothing = Nothing
        starPosition (Just portfolio) = starTicker where
            starTicker Nothing = Nothing
            starTicker (Just position) = Just position.ticker

Let’s see whether this works as expected. Remember that Nothing may appear anywhere in the process and we need to make sure that we never fall off the ship.

import Test.QuickCheck

star1 = once $ starTicker starBank        == Just CANO
star2 = once $ starTicker noStarBank      == Nothing
star3 = once $ starTicker noPortfolioBank == Nothing

While this approach works, we can certainly do better.

Improving on notation

Let’s step back and reconsider what we are doing here.

Looking at the involved functions and their types we see a similar pattern as in "List and Path".

Table 1. Function type alignment
Number Function Type


Maybe Client


Client → Maybe Portfolio


Portfolio → Maybe Position



Position → Ticker

Each function returns a Maybe of the type that the next function takes as the input. So maybe we can generalize over this pattern and bind the functions such that we can put them in a line.

Binding <1> and <2> would be

<1>             <2>                            return type
Maybe Client -> (Client -> Maybe Portfolio) -> Maybe Portfolio

Binding <2> and <3> would be

<2>                <3>                              return type
Maybe Portfolio -> (Portfolio -> Maybe Position) -> Maybe Position

As you see, there is a general pattern behind it such that bind has the type:
Maybe a → (a → Maybe b) → Maybe b

You will be glad to hear that this bind function is already available and just like in the cases of "Easy IO" and "List and Path", it is denoted with the >>= operator.

So combining <1> and <2> becomes >>=

Combining <2> and <3> becomes >>=

Combining (<1> and <2>) and <3> becomes >>= >>=

We have again arrived at a simple "path" expression, this time for the optional star position of the optional star portfolio of the optional star client!

To complete the task, here is the solution in a single path.

Chaining Maybe values in a path
starTicker bank = >>= >>= >>= \position -> Just position.ticker

If the Position.ticker would also be a Maybe type then chaining would be even nicer. But this variant is more realistic, since there can never be a position without a ticker. It is also instructive to see this variant where the argument that is passed to the function is captured in the lambda parameter.

We can simply follow the types. As we have seen in "Silent notation"

-- the type of the anonymous lambda expression is
-- Position -> Maybe Ticker
\position -> Just position.ticker

is just another notation for

foo :: Position -> Maybe Ticker
foo position = Just position.ticker

and we spare the headaches of finding a good name for it.

The "do" notation, again

Meanwhile it should come at no surprise that where there is bind, the "do" notation is just around the corner.

The star ticker with "do" notation
starTicker bank = do
    warrenBuffet  <-
    starPortfolio <-
    starPosition  <-
    Just starPosition.ticker

This reads actually pretty nicely and works just like we want it. Note again that each step may evaluate to a Nothing in which case the function returns immediately Nothing without any further step being evaluated.

Comparing approaches

The Maybe type turns out to be very versatile in both path expressions and when used with the "do" notation.

Path expressions in other languages can also be rather succinct. Our running example would for example be the Groovy GPath, returning null if any step in path was null.

There is no null.

Remember: there is no null in Frege and thus no NullPointerExceptions.
One cannot say that often enough.

However, one cannot compare the visual appearance of the code only.

Frege has the advantage of carrying the Maybe context through the type system ensuring that the caller never forgets that the value may be unavailable.

Java would have a similar effect if its NullPointerException was a "checked exception" (which it is not). There is an Optional type since Java 8 with a method flatMap that works similar to our bind. Time will tell how good that abstraction works in Java.

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